General Questions
How do I stay up to date with Going The Distance?
Follow us on all our social media to stay up to date with the most recent news in all aspects of the organization. This website is also a hub for information where you can find whatever you need as quick as possible. Check out our main page for the latest news and our connect page to follow our social media!
How can I support the Going The Distance project?
Going The Distance has many unique ways in which you can support and help benefit the community. Most importantly, participate in our fundraisers which are listed here and described more in depth on their respective pages. All donations help many individuals in the local area and can even protect the planet. Also make sure to follow our socials and stay up to date with the latest news so that you can best support whatever new component we work on next. Our socials and podcast can be found here and all social media support is greatly appreciated. Drop a follow so we know you see and enjoy our content and help promote our fundraisers so that we can best impact the local community!
Fundraiser Questions
How can I support the Salvation Army 5K charity event?
There are many ways you can support this great event! Sign up for the annual 5K run/walk and/or donate by clicking here. All contributions are greatly appreciated and the Salvation Army will use the funding in many different ways such as their shelters, clothing, food, and more. You can also donate gently-used shoes to the cause which is explained more below or on the "Shoe Drive" page. Learn more about the event and its origins by clicking here.
What does the shoe drive fundraiser entail?
The gently-used shoe drive aims to collect shoes for people in need. Shoes in good condition will be donated to the Salvation Army to benefit the individuals in their shelters and programs. Shoes in too much disrepair will be sent to the "Got Sneakers?" campaign to be recycled into things such as playground chips and rubber for tracks. This keeps rubber out of landfills and reduces carbon emissions and landfill waste. The campaign will pay Going The Distance for each pair of shoes and the money will be donated to the Morton Community Foundation Cross Country Endowment Fund to benefit current and future runners at Morton High School through the means of new uniforms, equipment, and more. Read more about the shoe drive here.
Are there any restrictions on the shoes?
Yes! All shoes must be greater than 4 inches in length and tied together. Also, this is a tennis shoe drive meaning only tennis shoes/athletic shoes will be accepted. Click here to read more about the requirements and details of the shoe drive so that you can contribute the best you can.
How can I support the shoe drive further?
Learn more about where you can donate shoes by viewing our shoe drive page. All donations are greatly appreciated and will be repurposed in the best way possible. You can also support the shoe drive by becoming a shoe donation site. If you are interested in becoming a drop-off location or supporting in another creative way, please fill out our contact form our send an email to thedistanceprojectil@gmail.com.
Podcast Questions
Where can I listen to the Going The Distance podcast?
Going The Distance is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Click here to learn more about the podcast and to listen today!