
2023 Race Start in Morton, IL


This year, the run will take place on TBA. Please show up between TBA to check in at the check in table at TBA. The start and finish lines are in front of TBA. We ask that you park in the TBA. You can view a course map below with mile and kilometer markers as well as a view of where to park. Restrooms are TBA.

Parking Information

Below is a photo of available parking on race day near the start line. Lots are ranked from 3 stars to 1 star based on ease of parking. TBA. Thanks for your cooperation!

Records and Past Results

Use the buttons below to see each year's results or records set at this meet. There are a plethora of records such as age group records, gender records, and overall records. Keep in mind, all results from past and current years can be found on the run signup page! There are 6 age groups that will be used for records and results (19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+) for each gender.

Past Years By The Numbers

View the past races and their donation totals as well as the number of race signups!

Where is the money going?

We have partnered with the Salvation Army in order to provide help and resources for local people in need. All the proceeds collected from this run will be donated to the Salvation Army and their cause. The Salvation Army provides a shelter for the homeless and provides them with clothing and support if they need it. Sign up for the low price of only $15 to support the local area today! The first 50 signups recieve a t-shirt as pictured below. Even if you cannot attend the run, there is a donation option on the website that we invite you to use. Thank you so much to everyone who supports this cause!

Logo for the Charity 5K

Charity 5K Shirts 2023

Shoe Collection

In the past, we have had shoe bins around the town of Morton in order to collect gently used shoes. At the run, there will also be collection bins near the start and finish lines. These gently used shoes will also be donated to the Salvation Army to give to local people in need at their shelter. Please tie the pair of shoes together by the laces and bring as many as possible. No rips or too-worn shoes. Thank you so much to all of the donators so far!


Click the button below to find race photos taken along the course, at the finish line, during setup/cleanup, or with groups/individuals representing the race with a good spirit!


This run could not have happened without our wonderful sponsors. They made the t-shirts possible at this run and any extra money raised from them will also be donated to the Salvation Army. To support this run with your business, contact us at

Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors: